Muharram- Ashura in Stockholm


In this month Muharram,
we muslims all around the world mourning the death anniversary of the grandson of

the holy Prophet Mohammad (saw)

Imam Hussain

and son of Ali(al) and Fatima(sa)


Who is Hussain?

Hussain ibn Ali was a 6th century revolutionary leader who made the ultimate sacrifice for social justice in the face of corruption and tyranny. He gave everything he had, including his life, for the honour of those around him.

Hussain ibn Ali was born in 620 AD to a family famed for their values of love, honour and peace. Raised by his grandfather Muhammad (the last prophet of Islam), Hussain was known for his integrity, generosity of spirit and blindness to colour and social class. It was for this reason that people flocked to him and his family.



The Day of Ashura marks the death anniversary of Hussain ibn Ali. who was killed in The Battle of Karbala. The Day of Ashura is mourned by millions across the world to remember Hussain’s valiant stand for social justice, against a corrupt tyrant called Yazid.

He stood up for justice, morality and freedom from oppression.


I forget my pain when I remember your...
O Hussain <3
Hussein was a man of great love and compassion.
O Hussain ...
You saved Islam by giving your life,
the courage and patience you had in your life,
to sacrifice yourself was easy in life,
Hussein Hussein Hussein! <3

Muharram is the month in which justice rose against injustice and truth
stood up against Falsehood and proved that, in the course of history,
Truth has always triumphed over falsehood

Imam Khomeini


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